Nativity Drogheo Miller, EdD
Nativity had been running for years but following few years' set back, she recently re-booted her running journey and is training for the Colfax Marathon. When asked why she is raising funds for Latinas First, Dr. Miller states, “as an educator I understand the barriers that our students of color can face. Latinas First provides access and opportunity for students to pursue post secondary education, and I want nothing more than to help contribute to the foundation and show our students that you can do anything you put your mind to."
Help Dr. Nativity Drogheo Miller reach her goal of raising $500 for Latinas First Foundation by making your pledge today. In addition to donating here, you may provide your check or cash directly to Nativity who will then deliver to Latinas First.

Angie has been running since she was a teenager and is organizing a team of colleagues and friends to participate in the Colfax relay. Asked why she is raising funds for Latinas First, Ms. Rueda remembers, "the people who supported me to earn my degrees. It's important that I do the same for students now, and that these scholars do likewise when they are in a position to do so."
Help Angie reach her goal of raising $500 for Latinas First Foundation by making your pledge today. In addition to donating here, you may provide your check or cash directly to Angie who will then deliver to Latinas First.
Eveline Vega
Eveline has been running since she was 15 years old and training to run the Colfax Marathon Relay since the beginning of May. Asked why she is raising funds for Latinas First, Eveline states “The Latinas First Foundation believed in me when my dream of attending Colorado State University didn’t seem possible. I wouldn’t be where I am today without their support and investment in me so I’m raising funds to help the next generation of Latinas achieve their dreams!”
Help Eveline reach her goal of raising $500 for Latinas First Foundation by making your pledge today. In addition to donating here, you may provide your check or cash directly to Eveline who will then deliver to Latinas First.
Gina Casias
Gina is truly a casual runner, but has found the inspiration to train and run the Colfax Marathon Relay as a fundraiser for Latinas First. When asked why she is raising funds for Latinas First, Gina states, “I truly believe in the mission of the Latinas First Foundation. We exist to fulfil dreams and to inspire future Latina leaders. If running gets us closer to fulfilling dreams, I'm all in!”
Help Gina reach her goal of raising $1,000 for Latinas First Foundation by making your pledge today. Gina will match every donation made in her name, dollar for dollar.
Antonio Farias
Help Antonio Farias reach his goal of raising $500 for Latinas First Foundation by making your pledge today. In addition to donating here, you may provide your check or cash directly to Antonio, who will then deliver to Latinas First.
Erika Bailon
My name is Erika Bailon.
Adriana Ocampo
I am Adriana Ocampo, board member of the Latinas First Foundation.
I have been an on-again-off-again runner for 10 years. Joining a relay team with my LFF board sisters has motivated me to get back outside and off my Peloton bike for a while. I am running for LFF because I want to help create more opportunities than I had for the next generation of girls. I want them to be able to succeed and reach their goals.
Help Adriana reach her goal of raising $500 for Latinas First Foundation by making your pledge today. In addition to donating here, you may provide your check or cash directly to Adriana, who will then deliver to Latinas First.
Latinas Rising Together: Cafecito Running Team
Cafecito Denver is a group of amazing women who help each other when needed.
The power of Cafecito is the power of networking within our community of amazing Latinas. Thirty years ago, Rosemary Rodriguez, Ledy Garcia-Eckstein, Denise Maes, and Michelle Lucero started meeting for weekly coffee. This group of women has grown to over 800 today. We convene as an informal network of support for career transitions, for life advice, to celebrate babies and promotions, and to bond over a cup of cafecito for friendship only. We are also a force of political power striving to ensure our Latino Community has a voice in important decisions at all levels.
Scholarships have played a critical role in our educational success and economic mobility and it is our turn to continue helping our fellow Latinas access post-secondary education.
Help the 45 member Cafecito Running Team reach their goal of raising $10,000 for Latinas First Foundation by making your pledge today. In addition to donating here, you may provide your check or cash directly to Dr. Violeta Garcia who will then deliver to Latinas First.
Cecelia Espinoza
I am running/walking my first 5K race to support LFF because I want to support education. As a first generation Latina student, I understand the challenges that Latina's face and know that programs like LFF are essential. I have never run a race before and am excited to take on the challenge to support such a worthy cause. As a lifelong learner, running and training for this challenge has been easier because I am doing it not only for myself but for a future LFF scholar. Please help me reach my $500 goal.
Linda Ramirez-Eaves
Meshach Rhoades